Will you stand for the highest standards in Journalism? If you believe that there is no place for racism, xenophobia or hatred in the media, take part in a training programme for young journalists in Catania, as a part of an international project “Reporting diversity: an ethical representation of migrants and minorities”. The deadline to apply is 4 September 2015.
Invitation to attend journalism training in Sicily, 13th-19th October
Will you stand for the highest standards in Journalism? If you believe that there is no place for racism, xenophobia or hatred in the media, take part in a training programme for young journalists in Catania, as a part of an international project “Reporting diversity: an ethical representation of migrants and minorities”. The deadline to apply is 4 September 2015.

Across Europe populist and extremist movements are manipulating peoples’ fears and prejudices to build support for their divisive policies at a time of economic crisis. Inciting hatred against unpopular social groups is a classic strategy to gain visibility and garner votes.
What is the role of the media and journalists when hate speech is on the increase? Who should decide on the limits of freedom of speech? How do media professionals in other countries tackle the problem of hate speech and discrimination?
International movement Media4Change is inviting you to share your approaches, opinions and experience in relation to these challenging issues, and to learn more about the rise of extremist movements in Greece, Italy, Romania and the Spain.
Well established human rights and journalism experts will join you and your colleagues from five different European Union countries in search of effective means of tackling hate speech. The unique blend of teaching methods and experience of experts will enable you to successfully apply the newly acquired knowledge and insights gained during the training in your day-to-day work practices.
In addition, the training itself is just the beginning. Following the course you will be invited to participate in a journalistic campaign.
The training will be held in Sicily, which welcomes thousands migrants because of its geographical position. Here you will have the possibility to meet people who are ready to share their stories and spread their unique experience to the world.
If you:
- are between 18 and 29 years old;
- are from Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Romania
- are regularly working as a journalist (freelance work and part time is included);
- interested in the right of socially vulnerable groups to be free from discrimination;
- you can undertake the responsibility to write an investigation on invoking writing, video, audio or multimedia expression;
- can easily communicate and express yourself in English.
Please, note that two types of participants are expected:
- who already have experience on reporting about migrants and minorities;
- who don’t have practice, but show high level of motivation to learn more about this topic and specifically inform us how you will use it in daily work.
Then you are eligible to apply for the training course which will take place in Catania (Italy) on the following dates: 13 – 19 October 2015.
Project Partners:
- Nacionalinis socialinės integracijos institutas, Lithuania
- Arci Catania, Italy
- Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti, Italy
- United Societies of Balkans, Greece
- Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya, Spain
- SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa, Spain
- Center for Independent Journalism, Romania
- Dates: 13 – 19 October 2015 (arrival on 12 October, departure on 20 October).
- Place: Catania, http://www.hotel-biancaneve.com/ (Via Etnea, 163 – 95030 Nicolosi).
- Number of Participants: 44.
- Costs: Free, but be aware, that contribution to travel costs has certain limits.
Participants travelling from:
will have a reimbursement which doesn’t exceed 270 euro.
Participants travelling from:
will have a reimbursement which doesn’t exceed 170 euro.
Application procedure:
To apply please complete the application form by the end of 4 September 2015.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected].
This call of participants is a part of the project ” Reporting Diversity: an ethical representation of Migrants and Minorities”, funded by Erasmus+ programme.