Media4Change is inviting journalists to a 2-day international round table to explore ways of enhancing coverage of migration issues across Europe, to coincide with the 17th San Sebastián Human Rights Film Festival in Spain. Travel and accommodation included.
An invitation to a Journalistic Exploration “Migration: telling a different story”
Media4Change is inviting journalists to a 2-day international round table to explore ways of enhancing coverage of migration issues across Europe, to coincide with the 17th San Sebastián Human Rights Film Festival in Spain. Travel and accommodation included.

Journalists are invited to share their approaches, experience and concerns about the challenge of reporting migration issues, in this rare opportunity to work with 25 colleagues from all around Europe.
The two-day event is designed to allow journalists to reflect upon the social consequences of media representations of migrants, and to explore imaginative ways of reshaping the agenda at a time when the ugly face of xenophobia is again appearing across Europe – a chance to examine migration issues and meet with refugees, as well as to discuss ethics, sources, data analysis and cross border networking.
The aim of the event is to empower media professionals as important influencers of public opinion. It will
- consider the causes and effects of bias and hate-speech
- seek to develop counter-narratives to hate-speech and discrimination;
- encourage participants to engage with Voice4Migrants project activities across Europe and develop dialogue about media coverage on reporting migration.
The event will take place in San Sebastian, Spain on 11 – 12 April 2019 coinciding with the 17th San Sebastián Human Rights Film Festival (5-13 April 2019) which participants will be able to attend.
More about the project:
The aim of ‘Voice4Migrants’ is to foster dialogue on policies of migrant integration and the reception of refugees across Europe and to enable European citizens to develop counter-narratives to hate speech. It also seeks to provide migrants with the opportunity to share their experiences of integration policies with the public.
This particular event is only one of many in the project, which includes activities in 7 countries with ‘Human Libraries’ and journalistic investigations and debates, and public manifestations on the topic in Hungary & Lithuania, along with evaluation and dissemination events.
So you will be in at the start of this journey!
We are looking for journalists who:
- Are working professionally in the field of news and current affairs;
- Are interested in migration issues;
- Are concerned about how to challenge discrimination against socially vulnerable groups;
- Can communicate well in English.
Project Partners:
- S.O.S. Racismo Gipuzkoa, Spain.
- National Institute for Social Integration, Lithuania.
- United Societies of Balkans, Greece.
- Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány, Hungary.
- UNITED for Intercultural Action Network, Netherlands.
- European Youth Press -Network of Young Media Makers EV, Germany.
- Associazione Trepuntozero, Italy.
- Agenzia di promozione integrate per I cittadini in Europa- APICE, Italy
- Dates: 11 – 12 April 2019.
- Place: San Sebastian, Spain
- Number of participants: 25
- Costs: We provide you with accommodation, meals and travel expenses but be aware, that the contribution to travel costs has certain limits (according to program’s distance band, participants will be reimbursed 275€ for less than 1999km and 360€ for more than 2000km.)
Application procedure:
To apply please complete the application form until the 12th of February 2019.
The call is addressed to all EU countries, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Kosovo, but please note that priority will be given to participants from Lithuania, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Germany.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected].
This invitation is a part of the project “Voice4Migrants”, funded by “Europe for Citizens” programme.