Digital MIL Lab in Youth Work

The main aim of this project is to integrate innovative distance learning courses into the media and information literacy (MIL) formal and non-formal education, and help different stakeholders to strengthen society’s MIL skills and competences. This includes skills in information verification, content analysis, debunking misinformation, and critical thinking.
The project consortium will develop and test an online (non-formal) learning platform and different courses that will replicate their best practices in the field of media and information literacy (MIL).

Critical thinking is among key competencies of the 21st century. Yet, as we look into what access youth has to MIL education, we see a lack of innovative distance based learning courses (such as online courses) and other tools responding to the needs of the digital society.
Such distance learning forms could be integrated into the activities of MIL formal and non-formal education. Young people are already living in a highly digital reality, but education is often unable to go hand in hand with technological developments and respond to current challenges of the digital information world.
Within this project, 9-month long online training courses that will multiply the good practices of media and information literacy will be developed and tested.
Online courses will have two different accesses that are designed according to the specifics of the following target groups:
– For people producing public information (youth opinion framers). This is for young journalists and other media and content creators, those responsible for youth information points.
– Youth leaders, youth workers, social educators and other people working directly with young people who have the opportunity not only to gain new knowledge and skills during online courses, but also pass it on to others.
Participate in training for young journalists or youth leaders
Try our online media literacy courses.
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Training And Events

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Domestic violence
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