July 02 2024
The impact of artificial intelligence on the media: challenges and opportunities

134 interviews with employees and industry experts at news organizations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany found that the majority of news organizations are adopting AI due to technological advances, perceived market pressures, and competition.

The impact of artificial intelligence on the media: challenges and opportunities

134 interviews with employees and industry experts at news organizations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany found that the majority of news organizations are adopting AI due to technological advances, perceived market pressures, and competition.

The widespread sense of uncertainty and hope associated with AI also has a significant influence on the development of the use of AI. The study points out that media organizations are increasingly dependent, and will become even more dependent in the future, on AI-enabled tech giants such as Google, Microsoft and others. This can reduce the autonomy of news organizations. Lack of transparency in AI systems also raises concerns about bias and potential errors. The study highlights that the increasing use of AI will increase inequality among news organizations: resource-rich international publishers will have an advantage. Regional news organizations and media in the Global South are often forgotten in conversations about AI. While AI is being used more widely in media organizations than ever before, many of the most useful tools in the news space are relatively mundane and have yet to make a major breakthrough.