Investigative Journalism Competition 2015
In 2015 we hosted another Investigative Journalism Competition. After the competition in 2014, there were still many issues of corruption and human rights that were undercovered. Thus, participants were invited to address and investigate these issues.
nce again we invited all interested in corruption and human rights to take part in the Investigative Journalism Competition. This time, a prize fund of 1500 EUR was established. As the rules changed, candidates with the best investigation plans and competencies in the first round were awarded with 1000 EUR stipends to implement their investigative projects. Others were invited to use their investigative skills and compete for the remaining prize. Participants, seeking to create quality media content, were working on their projects on corruption and human rights starting in April, drafting their investigation plans and consulting with their mentors. The Commission selected the best 9 candidates and their works for the second round of the competition.

Daiva Repečkaitė

Jurgita Laurinėnaitė-Šimelevičienė

Giedrė Buivydienė
Communication specialist
The Commission

Rytas Staselis
Investigative Journalism Expert

Audronė Nugaraitė
Media expert

Dovydas Pancerovas
Investigative journalist

Šarūnas Černiauskas
Investigative journalist, founder of Investigative journalism centre "Siena"

Džina Donauskaitė
Director of the Lithuanian Journalist Center

Skirmantas Malinauskas

Gintaras Sarafinas
Editor in Chief at Reitingai” magazine.

Audronė Urbonaitė
Journalist and writer

Valentina Čeplevičiūtė
Journalist, Consultant of Former President of Lithuania

Vaidotas Beniušis
Editor in Chief at BNS Lithuania.